Living in Adra


Sharing a room or renting an appartment is the most convenient way for long stays in Adra. Coming to the town as a Cultural Assistant in Adra you may also want to share with a Spanish teacher. Sometimes this could be a good option for both, we can arrange these oportunities.
Looking for your own place, we can suggest you some flats to rent or you can find some on the Internet.

Getting there

You can get to Adra by car (blabla car or rent a car) or by bus from Málaga, Madrid, Granada and Almería airports. Málaga is the nearest International airport and most times the best option. Almería airport has some connections, mainly with Madrid but sometimes are more expensive than arriving in Madrid or Málaga and getting to Adra by train to Almería or directly by bus to Adra.
Almería airport
Málaga airport
Madrid airport

Life as an auxiliar

Here you can find some interesting information to help you with the first steps in Spain. The regional education service provides you with all the documents and some information you may need. We want you to have a confortable stay, so we are eager to help in any aspect you will need. Fell free to ask